River Queen

Our Story

Welcome to River Queen Tea Tree Oil. We are a South African family business, based on the farm Morgenzon, near Paulpietersburg in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

Our journey with tea tree oil started in 1999, sparked by an article about the health benefits of tea tree oil. We just had to plant it! Our farm’s location, climate, rainfall and soil was perfect for growing tea trees.

We are in a business reliant on nature and everything it gives us. 

Therefore, we take our responsibility to look after our planet seriously and are totally off the grid. Tea tree farming fits in perfectly with our business operations of sustainable agriculture.

Our farm has some of the cleanest air and water in South Africa because there are no factories, no pollution, only the fresh smell of tea trees.

We harvest our trees by hand. While it is a labour-intensive task, we feel it is worth it. This process creates jobs for our local community and allows us to remove weeds and insects, ensuring a premium quality tea tree oil. Hand-harvesting also guarantees that we observe any problems that might otherwise be overlooked.

From our soil to your skin, it’s 100% pure organic tea tree oil to heal, protect and nourish.

Our purpose is to make healthy living simple, sustainable and accessible. It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.

Amanda Klingerberg – Founder of River Queen Tea Tree Oil

Green Fingers

Amanda Klingenberg

I am a wife, mother to 3 daughters, 1 son and 3 grandchildren. My life revolves around my family and I am always trying to keep them happy and healthy. Over the years I came to realise that it is not only what’s on your plate that’s keeping you healthy. Reducing your exposure to chemicals and toxins is as important as healthy eating.

I believe in living a proactive lifestyle. I don’t want to wait until me or my family are struggling with health issues to make changes. I chose to change our lifestyle in hopes that it will improve the quality of our lives.                                                 

There are so many links between the ingredients in our household products and many diseases, and I believe that the products we use do matter, the choices we make matter, and each small swap makes such a big difference in our life.

Switching to natural products, like tea tree, is a small step in the right direction. I would like to encourage you all to make just one small change towards natural healing and wellness.

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”
– Dalai Lama

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